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Klamath's town menu, which allows to choose entrances and preview them. Klamath has entrances called Forest, Downtown, Hunting Grounds, and Trapper Town.

To enter a location directly from the world map, click on the triangle icon, which is available when you stand still. You will enter the location. If that location is a town, you'll enter via that town's default entrance, called the main entrance.

However, you can enter most public locations at alternate entrances too! Use the Town World button to see them, if they are available there. You'll see a beautiful entrance menu map, with some important options:

  • Clicking a lower triangle will enter your character there, via that entrance.
  • Click an upper triangle (the one with an eye symbol) to see a preview first, before entering. This shows you a snapshot of what is going on at that moment near that entrance, based on your Perception. If there are players there, you might see them this way. Knowing that before you enter can save your life!

Use Town Preview multiple times so you get a view from different "spawn points". Each time you get a preview, it's a fresh snapshot from a random vantage point, which is from one of that entrances various "spawn points". There might be an enemy team running around in there, that you don't see when you preview that entrance, but you do see the very next time you get a preview.

NOTE: Previews are only snapshots - no live movement is shown via the preview function.

  • While previewing a place, use the Contours button to highlight where players and NPCs are, even if view of them is otherwise blocked (as from buildings).