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Homesteaders are people who live on the wastes, mostly around the Redding are. The can be enslaved or recruited by a faction leader for 5,000¤ to work for the faction.


If the faction leader has 5,000¤ as cash in hand, they can talk to a male homesteader on the wastes, offering the homesteader the money to pay off their debt in exchange for reporting to the faction as a faction employee. They will not fight, and can only do a few things. Note that this feature only works on Male homesteaders- They're more than happy to leave their wives and children to fend for themselves on the wastes.


Homesteaders can be enslaved in the normal fashion.

Skins And Notes

Names Skins Where to encounter Weapons handled* Comments
Homesteader (Male) Near Redding. Knives, clubs, grenades and pistols. They can be useful with a Cattle Prod or a pistol. If only they had more hit points.
Homesteader (Female) Near Redding. Knives, grenades and SMG. As the female Homesteader, she has good eyesight, which makes her an accurate shooter.