Book of Achievement

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A Book of Achievement
A diary of an experienced wastelander.
Use Click to use/read
1 chapter at a time.
Effect +1 Level per click/use
Limit Level of Re-Rolled Character
Note Abbreviated "BoA"
Weight 0 grams
Base price ?? caps

One of these books is generated during the Re-Roll process. It appears on the ground where a deleted Character was last seen, only when the Re-Roll process is done correctly. It will store the deleted Character's Levels, so a new Level 1 Character can recover them. This is how you can transfer Levels from one Character to another, often done when the player decides he wishes his Character's build was a bit different.

When a new Character starts to use a Book of Achievement, the Character needs be at level 1 to begin. Each time you "use" a BoA, it's like reading a chapter in the book, which levels you up one time. Level up once, and distribute Skill Points. Use it again to level up again. Be careful to stop and choose Perks along the way. When you've read the whole thing, it is exhausted and will disappear.

NOTE: Don't just read it over and over and forget to stop and choose Perks as you go! If you do that, you'll skip the Perks, and have to finish the BoA and Re-Roll again.

NOTE: Do not level up by anything else while you read a Book of Achievement. You would render it unusable and all unread levels get stuck in the broken book. Read it from start to finish without any other leveling in between. Getting XP is no problem, just don't level up by them until you finished the book.

NOTE: This is not a Skill Book. Those are listed below.

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