Kilgore's Mapper Guide: FOMAP File Structure

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Kilgore's Mapper Guide
A guide to using the mapper, a developer tool used to make encounter maps that can be added to the game, if they are good enough. Assembled by Reloaded's lead developer himself on the game's main forum, and copied here with minor edits.
Season 2
Status Being translated...
Completion 60%
Authors Kilgore
This Chapter FOMAP File Structure
More Chapters Title Page
Basic Commands
FOMAP File Structure
Common Mistakes
Notes Need to add images

FOnline maps are saved in .FOMAP format. This is a text format, so you can open and edit them with Notepad. In theory, you could create whole maps from scratch using a regular notepad, without running a mapper, but in practice only a real madman would do that. Nevertheless, making some edits in Notepad might be necessary.

Each fomap file consists of three sections: Headers, Tiles, and Objects.


[Header] - map header:
MaxHexX - map width (hexes)
MaxHexY - map length (hexes)
WorkHexX - map width (actually used part)
WorkHexY - map length (actually used part)
ScriptModule - specifies the name of the script in which contains map initialization function
ScriptFunc - the name of the function executed when initializing the map
NoLogOut - if it equals 1, characters do not disappear after logging off (they are in (off) mode), and if it equals 0, characters disappear normally after the time defined in scripts / config.fos.
Time - time of day for the map. If equal to -1, map lighting will change over game time. If not, then the lighting will be permanent (useful for underground maps)
DayTime - specifies times for which map lighting are defined below (separated by a space)
DayColor0 - lighting color for the first time specified in "DayTime"
DayColor1 - lighting color for the second time specified in "DayTime"
DayColor2 - lighting color for the third time specified in "DayTime"
DayColor3 - lighting color for the fourth time specified in "DayTime"

Header Section Example:
Version 4
MaxHexX 400
MaxHexY 400
WorkHexX 126
WorkHexY 127
ScriptModule fo2077_map_losthills
ScriptFunc _MapInit
NoLogOut 0
Time -1
DayTime 300 600 1140 1380
DayColor0 18 18 53
DayColor1 128 128 128
DayColor2 103 95 86
DayColor3 51 40 29


In this section, each single line defines the individual tiles on the map.

Tile type (tile/roof), X position, Y position, Tile path
Tiles Section Example:
Tile 104 96 art\tiles\stlflr01.frm
Roof 104 96 art\tiles\stop005.frm


This section contains all map objects. By default, each object is defined by four lines:

  • MapObjType - object type
  • ProtoId - pid of the object
  • MapX - X coordinate
  • MapY - Y coordinate

Some objects have additional lines with properties.

Objects Section Example:
MapObjType 2
ProtoId 3853
MapX 65
Maps 94

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