Golden Gecko

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Golden Gecko
A Golden Gecko
Variants Normal
HP Range 76
XP Range
Notes Need Gecko Skinning perk to get pelts

Golden Geckos are a tougher breed of Gecko, easily distinguished by their golden-brownish appearance and green frills. Golden Geckos are often hunted for their pelts, which serve as both a key material in the crafting and upgrading of leather-based armors, as well as a reasonably valuable trade item. They can be found in many of the flat-land, desert, and mountainous regions of the wasteland; most notably in the vicinity of Klamath and Modoc.

Skinning Geckos requires the Gecko Skinning Support Perk.


Golden Geckos don't differ much from their silver cousins, but pale in comparison to their fiery brethren. They rush to their prey in an attempt surround them, just as the Silver Geckos do, but are notably tougher and deal a fair bit more damage, making them a moderate threat to beginning characters. Despite this, they are still easily taken out at range with a decent weapon and competent combat skill %.

See Also