Maltese Falcon

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Maltese Falcon
The bar with the most action, this side of New Reno.
Shopkeeper Location: In Hub 31:40
Bartender Area: Market district
A popular Role-Play hangout.
Hope the Lounge Singer really sings on stage, and has an urgent quest!

This is Hub's famous bar, which can be a popular hangout sometimes. It was once run by a man named Decker.

You can buy mass quantities of Beer here from the bartender, and talk with Mick about getting his band back together. Also, there is a sad little girl in Old Town whose dad hangs out here too much. Surprisingly, there is a Nuka-Cola vending machine that is still working.

Often overlooked, there is a basement bar under the Maltese Falcon, called The Bunker Bar. The two apparently run independently, even though one is only accessed via the other. Helping Hope the Lounge Singer find A Light in the Darkness will route you to a conversation with the bartender there.

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