Walking Amongst Us

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Walking Amongst Us
The Quest-Giver is:
Lee the Bounty Hunter in Junktown
Destination: {{{access}}} {{{dest}}}
Party Access: {{{party}}} {{{shared}}}
Requirements: Minimum Level 12
Completion: Talk with Lee in a small building just east of the Skum Pitt bar.
Rewards: XP from kills
Completion: 3000 XP
0 Caps
? Karma
Minor loot from quest map, plus some items for completion.
Repeatable: Yes, on a global timer {{{timer}}}
Notes: You only have 1 hour to complete this.
A teaser peek inside the zombie invasion.
A teaser peek inside the zombie invasion.

The living dead are shambling their way toward our cities! Someone has to stop them!

You are paid to kill dozens of ghouls in a location that appears on your map just east of Junktown. You really should bring friends to do this, as they will easily swarm you, surround you, and bring you down.

Many of the ghouls run fast and attack you with HtH combat, but they often do crits and knock you out. Six of those surrounding you beating while you're down often means you barely get a chance to fight back, especially while twenty more are waiting in line. There is also a significant portion of their crowd armed with shotguns. Shotgun ghouls walk slowly, but multiple shotgun hits sends even drugged soldiers running.

NOTE: These quest locations are public so anyone else can enter, which might complicate this mission.

NOTE: Watch for a text message that indicates you've completed the mission.

In Real-Time Mode: It is strongly advised to do this in RT, but either way expect to be totally surrounded when you first enter. Good for a large enough party.

In Turn-Based Mode: Expect a long fight. You'll need more than the mission's 1-hour timer. Each ghoul gets a turn and some of them walk slowly, and some are not triggered, so they just stand there which causes frustrating delays.

It is said these ghouls have low resistance to EW, and many people use Tesla Discharge against them. Grenades help a lot too since so many of them are grouped up close.



All enemies must be dead at the moment you report back to Lee, which can be tricky since some of them regenerate and reappear. This is another reason why doing this in TB can be a bad choice - the enemy stands back up during Turn-Based delays.


  • Report back to Lee the Bounty Hunter to complete this mission. You receive some small rewards. The quest may be repeatable after some time.
  • 3000 XP