The Fallen

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The Fallen
When man abandons his faith, a dark world looms. In time, as it always has been, and always will be, an avenger will come and claim the bounty of the darkness. May it be me.
Telltale Enemy Boss
Need Level: 15 Hit Points: 783
Find the Telltale to get a quest to fight this tough enemy boss!
DIFFICULTY RATING Easy/Medium in Turn-Based
Telltale Library
Northwest, in a building.
Enemy Boss Usually in zone 25:42
Boss' Gear M60
Combat Leather Jacket,Combat Leather Helmet
Combat XP 1000
Completion XP 2500
Boss Loot M60
Some 7.62mm ammo
Combat Leather Jacket
Combat Leather Helmet
Rot Gut
Some Caps
Items Reward Ripper
Some SEC ammo
Some 12 ga. Shotgun Shells
3xGold Nuggets
Caps Reward 1250
1 Puppet Prize(s)
Repeatable Yes

One of several Telltales, found throughout the wasteland.

NOTE: Telltales are known to move around in their towns, so their locations may be inaccurate.