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Hot Keys

* 1 Attempts to enter Sneak mode
* 2 Changes cursor color, ready to attempt Lockpick on next thing you click
* 3 Changes cursor color, ready to attempt to Steal from next thing you click
* 4 Changes cursor color, ready to attempt to use Traps skill on next thing you click
* 5 Changes cursor color, ready to attempt First Aid on next thing you click
* 6 Changes cursor color, ready to attempt Doctor on next thing you click
* 7 Changes cursor color, ready to attempt Science on next thing you click
* 8 Changes cursor color, ready to attempt Repair on next thing you click
* Z + Mousewheel - Zoom In/Out
* Tab - Toggle On/Off Motion Scanner
* F1 - Toggles On/Off the On-Screen Help overlay
* F2 - Save messages in a file
* F3 - Saves a screenshot to your game directory
* F4 - Text input panels toggle
* F5 - Expanded message window toggle
* F6 - Shows/hides character names
* F7 - Turn on/off NPC Awareness
* F8 - Mouse scrolling toggle (helps in window mode)
* F9 - Turn on/off players Awareness
* F11 - Toggle Town Control Messages
* F12 - Minimize client window
* Arrow Keys - Map scrolling
* ESC - Menu
* Pause/Break - Automatic language switching in command line
* Scrollock - Center screen around character
* < and > - Turn character counter/clock-wise
* Home - Center on character (works on the world map).
* A - Attack
* C - Character sheet
* G - "Get", or pick up an item from the ground
* I - Inventory
* P - Pip-Boy
* F - Fix-Boy
* B - Switch active slots
* M - Switch mouse menu
* N - Switch item mode
* S - Skilldex
* T - Display team information
* Q - Display field of view
* W - Display weapon range
* Numbers 1 through 8 - Quick access to corresponding Skills
* ? - Current game time
* + and - - Brightness adjust
* Ctrl +/- - Sound volume adjust
* Ctrl + G - Picking up all items from hex
* Ctrl + D - Dropping all items from the inventory
* Shift +/- - Music volume adjust
* Alt +/- - Sleep adjust
* LShift + Click - drop item from inventory on ground while in inventory/pickup screen
* LCtrl + Click - move item between inventory and container while in pickup screen
* press CTRL while having cursor in attack mode (A) - hex-shooting for Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launchers;
* press ALT while having cursor in attack mode (A) - hex-throwing grenades from inventory (grenades should stay in inventory). Right-click to switch between various types of grenades.

Commands for In-Game Chat

* .S or /S - Shout
* .W or /W - Whisper
* .E or /E - Emote
* .R or /R - Radio
* .O or /O - Out of character

Placing a space character after one of these commands is not needed, and ignored.

For example, if you type: /Ei am so happy
You will get the message, "i am so happy" in a hot pink color

Message Sending Modes

  • Enter - Normal
  • Ctrl Enter - Shout
  • Alt Enter - Whisper
  • Shift Enter - Radio

Writing a name after Whisper does not specify the message to a person. Whisper is heard by all within 2 hexes.

See Also