Our Lady of Laudres

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Our Lady of Laudres
A strange name, for something that is merely just a dog... yet you can't help but feel tremendous fear. Something wicked awaits...
Telltale Enemy Boss
Need Level: 45 Hit Points: 3000
Find the Telltale to get a quest to fight this tough enemy boss!
DIFFICULTY RATING Medium in Turn-Based
Telltale Junktown
In front of Boyce's garage
Enemy Boss Few squares southeast of Necropolis, zone 40:42
Boss' Gear Unarmed
Combat XP 1000
Completion XP 11000
Boss Loot Sniper Rifle, .223 FMJ ammo and some Caps
Items Reward Ripper
Laser Pistol
Some SEC ammo
2xDiamond Necklace
10xEmpty Hypodermic
High Quality Minerals
Caps Reward 4000
1 Puppet Prize(s)
Repeatable Yes

One of several Telltales, found throughout the wasteland.

NOTE: Telltales are known to move around in their towns, so their locations may be inaccurate.